Hiding certain commands from history
At times you might want to Hide some commands executed by you. This is needless to explain, we might have to do this for various reasons. But I suggest not to hide anything intentionally from history @ work :)
Add the below entry in .bash_profile and run “source .bash_profile” or re-login to the server. After this whatever command you want to hide, just execute it by typing a SPACE infront. The history command will not remember any commands that is preceded by space infront.
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
Explained with an example here:
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ cat .bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ source .bash_profile
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ touch file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ echo "Some text" > file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ echo "Some more text" >> file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ ls -l file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 adevaraju domain users 25 Nov 30 08:10 file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ touch -t 1111111111 file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ ls -lt file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 adevaraju domain users 25 Nov 11 2011 file1
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ rm file1 ß Executing the ‘rm’ command with space infront
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ history | tail -10
27 history
28 cat .bash_profile
29 source .bash_profile
30 touch file1
31 echo "Some text" > file1
32 echo "Some more text" >> file1
33 ls -l file1
34 touch -t 1111111111 file1
35 ls -lt file1
36 history | tail -10
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$
You can note the command ‘rm file1’ is not displayed in ‘history’ output. Since it had space in front, it was ignored by history command.
Clearing the entire history
Sometime you may want to clear all the previous history, but want to keep the history moving forward. Just execute history with –c option. Everything will go off.
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ history -c
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$ history
1 history
[adevaraju@host02 ~]$
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