Friday, August 17, 2012

Tweaking 'ps' command to display full user-name

By default, the UID column in ‘ps’ output has a character length of 8. If the user name exceeds 8 characters, it will convert the User-name to its corresponding UID and displays it. This might cause inconvenience when we want to check the process list run by a user-account with more than 8 characters. 'ps' command has an option to display full user-name.

Normal 'ps' command:

[longusername@hostxyz ~]$ id longusername
uid=55062(longusername) gid=55062(longusername) groups=55062(longusername)
[longusername@ora-prod-inf-d2 ~]$
ps -ef | grep tail

55062    11708 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    00:00:00 tailf a
55062    11739 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    00:00:00 tailf b
55062    11754 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    00:00:00 tailf c
55062    20637 11470  0 02:33 pts/2    00:00:00 grep tail

A tweaked ‘ps’ output with User column set as 20 characters 

[longusername@hostxyz ~]$ ps -o user:20,pid,ppid,c,stime,tty,cmd | grep tail
longusername         11708 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    tailf a
longusername         11739 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    tailf b
longusername         11754 11470  0 02:11 pts/2    tailf c
longusername         20641 11470  0 02:33 pts/2    grep tail
[longusername@hostxyz ~]$
In this you can see the full user-name getting displayed.

Additional command :

List out the processes based on CPU and Memory consumption

# ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head

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