Bash Shell basically comprises of commands written in C language. Hence we basically need a Compiler that can convert the C code into executable Binary file. I guess there are many C compilers available; the one which I use is SHC (SHell script Compiler). When we compile using this tool, it creates an execute file with .x extension, which is basically a executable version of your Bash script which can’t be readable or modifiable.
Extract the shc tar file.
Go into the shc-3.8.7 folder
Install the package by executing 'make'. It will create the 'shc' executable.
Create a sample bash script "".
[root@host01 opt]$ cat
echo "Hello how r u"
[root@host01 opt]$
[root@host01 opt]# ./ # Take a note on output
Hello how r u
[root@host01 opt]#
[root@host01 shc-3.8.7]$ ./shc -f /opt/
[root@host01 opt]# ls -l*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 39 Sep 13 12:11
-rwx--x--x 1 root root 11720 Sep 13 12:12 # .x file created
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9406 Sep 13 12:12
[root@host01 opt]#
[root@host01 opt]# ./ # Same result as before
Hello how r u
[root@host01 opt]# tail # File is in Binary format
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Wonderful !! thanks a lot !!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's What I Want
ReplyDeleteIs the reverse possible .coverting binary to readable script ?
ReplyDeletewhy can't i export the script to a remote host and run it on the remote host? i get the following error:
ReplyDelete$ ./
./ error while loading shared libraries: requires glibc 2.5 or later dynamic linker